Advanced Technology - Hip Surgery

: Sunday to Thursday - 8am to 7pm
   : 04-832-3357

Recovery after Surgery

Recovery after Surgery

operation_afterPlease fill in carefully all instructions given by the doctor and nurse for the sake of speeding up the recovery. In the hospital ward, a medicine is given to “Blood dilution” to prevent thrombosis in the veins. The use of constant repeated clicking sleeves is widespread.

Then, patient will start having a seat or walking with pair of crutches with or without stepping on the leg that was under surgery. All by doctor instructions.

In most cases, after a few days from the end of the surgery, the patient is released home after receiving a full explanation from the team of physiotherapists and nursing staff, regarding the expected rehabilitation process. In other cases, patient can go to a rehabilitation hospital for the purpose of recovery.

When the surgeon satisfied with the healing of the wound and the progress after surgery, the patient will go home or to a rehabilitation center – all according to individual abilities and social situation of the patient at home.

When patient is at home, it is better if there is someone beside the patient, who can report to the doctors any unusual event, such as, increasing pain, fever, swelling, increasing or leakage from the wound.